A Veg head? Oh Dear

by Nicci on 09/07/2008

Thats right! I’ve decided to go vegetarian and that’s gonna be a challenge. I used to be a veg head yrs ago back in high school, for track. I loved it because I always felt my best. Now, that i have started this exercise routine to improve my health and lose weight, I know going veggie will also help me eat healthier too. I eat too much junk food and im addicted to fast food. I now am seeing what fast food does to a body…you gain weight! Wish me Luck

I started last week working out everyday and I already feel great. Chris is a sport and I love him dearly. He said he would walk with my everyday at the park. We went this past Friday and walked 2 1/2 miles. Thats what were going to do everyday Mon-Fri!
I think Ill lose this weight I gained and eating right will just make it all better too!So excited for the changes to come. Im motivated and I need to stay that way so Im changing my program up weekly. I beieve I have enough fitness dvd’s for that too. Hula fitness, yoga, pilates,and tae-bo!

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