I’ll be skipping right to dinner b/c I skipped breakfast and ate at Grandys for lunch. I wasn’t ready to reveal my blog to my coworker yet. When I think of eating at Grandys, I think of ”greasy chicken”, so I was surprised when i had the lunch buffet and it had baked chicken on it. So, I ordered the baked chicken, corn, green beans, soup and a nice salad. I actually had self control and stayed away from the rolls!
Chris (the bf) and I planned to on Applebees for dinner, but the wait was too long. We settled on Golden China, around the corner, and it was okay. I now remember why I love Chopsticks and no longer do Chinese buffets. I loaded my plate, but I had will power not to eat everything…I barely ate anything. I didn’t even think about seconds. I felt ashamed I even took pics of this food!!
My version of dessert: Cantaloup and 2 sushi rolls…not very good.
I don’t know how My b.f.f in Utah and I ate here all the time. I guess we thought it was the best Chinese in town. Not Anymore!!

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