Working two different positions at work is going great so far. I’ve been quite busy so excuse my absence from updating and reading. I also did not feel the need to update the blog and bore readers with repeat meals.
Last night, I used virgin coconut oil to cook YUMMY chicken.
Yes! good ole fashion fried chicken.
The Way to a Southern Girl’s Heart
I’ve eaten 80% clean this week besides gobbling up the strawberry bread. I have to say I rarely miss fried foods, but I can’t resist the smell and taste of fried chicken.
My first time cooking fried chicken and it was a success!
Chicken, green beans and a tomato/cucumber salad
French Toast on a Saturday
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4 cup Almond Breeze
- 1 banana
Drizzled with agave nectar
A 3 mile run courtesy of Missy, in the cold. I initially bundled up for a quick walk in the park, but she insisted on running. I left the camera at home but here she is afterward relaxing on the couch. She’s got a sheet, we let her sit on…too much dog hair!
Can you tell she is tired?
Have a great Weekend!
Any Super Bowl plans, who are you cheering for tomorrow?

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aww your doggy is a sweetheart! <3
Aw, Missy is such a sweetie! I love your French Toast… I made pancakes for the first time in a LONG time this weekend; I love the idea of nicer breakfasts on off days!
We didn’t participate in the super bowl! h aha I don’t even know who won. I know – i’m anti-american! eek!
the fried chicken looks awesome!
Awwww, Missy is adorable! She’s so cute!
The chicken looks delicious. I’ve never cooked with coconut oil.
Mmmm coconut oil! I use that for everything. Cooking, moisturizing, cleaning. The smell is so good and it’s soooo smooth.
Oh my goodness..Missy is TOO cute for words.
teh french toast looks amazing! I love it topped with fresh banana too!!
Well, I guess by now you already know that the Saints won!
Man, you just reminded me I haven’t had fried chicken for goodness knows how long either!
Mmmm your chicken looks fab and I think fried chicken is totally necessary every once in awhile
French toast too!
*sigh* I wanna come over! Hehehe
Oooh I totally need to try coconut oil. But right now? I NEED that french toast!!
oh yum coconut oil sounds great! I love love love fried chicken. Your doggy is so cute, i bet she was worn out!
I love coconut oil! : )
what a beautiful running partner you got htere! im a sucker for dogs!
the fried chicken look successful! mmm!
That chicken looks deeeelightful! I would forego dessert for a month for a piece of that:-)
So glad to hear that the two jobs haven’t driven you crazy! I can’t imagine doing two at once. I’m currently doing a freelance online gig at night and, even though it’s just two to three hours a night, it’s nearly running me ragged… Maybe I just need some coconut oil to handle it as well as you
I use coconut oil all the time and sub it for regular oil or butter in baking, too. It makes cookies so delish, you should try it!
I’ll have to try the coconut oil next time I bake some cookies or brownies.
yummy eats!!! your french toast looks really good! the hubby asked me the other day if I’ve ever had french toast and I told him no. I think i’ll make some this week!
Missy is adorable!!!
Hello! Just found your blog and I love it!!!!
Wow, both of those meals look so good! Purchasing Coconut oil wa an excellent choice. Makes everything taste richer!
Great run chickie! missy is such a cutie…
Glad to hear the jobs are going well! That is really exciting! Great job on the workout and clean eating!! Don’t you feel like 100% better eating clean? I can always tell the weeks where I’ve done a good job eating clean and those where I have not. Your puppers is a cutie and I can totally relate to the dog hair issues- I feel like I vacuum 20 x’s a week. We’re having people over for the superbowl and I am excited! I’m not really pulling for either team but I think it would be cool to see the Saints win
Mmm….coconut oil sounds tasty!! BTW updating daily could be boring (my blog is an example tee hee) so I totally agree with you! I work today so I can’t watch the superbowl till 7 BOOOOO. Glad your jobs are working out for you!
Your dog is such a cutie! And now I am craving french toast with banana – thanks … lol
I’m enjoying your blog!
I have officially just been inspired to make french toast for breakfast tomorrow
I don’t really like fried foods too often. You totally balanced it out with the green beans and the salad!
Wow your french toast looks great!!! It’s got me drooling and wanting french toast instead of dim sum for tomorrow morning! hahahah
P.s. Come check out my $50 safeway giftcard giveaway!! Everyone needs some extra grocery money!
I have got to try using coconut oil. I’m not cheering for anyone… oh the shame.
So, is coconut oil good for cooking most things? or does it leave a sweetish taste?
It didn’t have a taste at all, but it smelled lovely. I split it into two jars. I use half in the kitchen and the other for body/hair! Love it as a moisturizer!
Your eats have me drooling!
You get an A for presentation.
That trifecta of chicken, green peas and tomato/cucumber salad looks absolutely delicious.
I don’t even know who is playing in the SuperBowl!! (Canadian
) We have the Grey Cup in November, which is our version of the SuperBowl for the CFL.
Are you not in love with coconut oil?! Bc I sure am obsessed!!! Your dinner looks lovely and delicious too
Aside from putting a small spoonful of the stuff in my oats each day (sooo good), I actually use the Virgin Coconut Oil to wash my face at night now too – the stuff is seriously amazing!
Stephanie-I love coconut oil!! Obsessed with it right now.
I think I am the only person in the world that didn’t like coconut oil. I just didn’t like the taste of my food that was cooked in it.
I’m not a football fan by any means, but I have some friends from Louisiana so I root for the Saints this year.
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