Just Flip It

by Nicci on 08/31/2011

Good Times at the Healthy Living Summit with blends, Krista and Shannon.

Frito-Lay had a great display table with information on how their products are cooked in healthier oils and seasoned.

How about a GIANT spatula for attendees!


We ROCKED that spatula!

Fitness Recap:

  • Monday- Was a good weight lifting day at Fit Camp. My arms still feel like jello.
  • Tuesday- No packing has occurred yet…I keep looking at things around the apartment; hoping all items will magically appear into boxes. Fixing this fantasy, of boxes magically appearing full, is on tonight’s agenda!
  • Wednesday- Today, I’m nervous about attending my workout because our trainer mentioned we will be trying something new in the gym. As long as it doesn’t hurt me…I’m okay with a new fitness challenge, especially one that will make me stronger.

    Do you push yourself in workouts, liking new challenges or do you stick with the same exercise routine?

    When  is the last time you posed with giant silverware? ;)

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    2. Shake It Like A Salt Shaker
    3. Healthy Living Summit: Part II


    Stephanie @ Mr and Meatless November 15, 2011 at 11:57 pm

    I like to try and challenge myself in my workouts. A lot of the time, I’ll do the same thing, just push myself harder.

    And, OH. MY. GOSH. I am sooooo jealous of your photos with a giant piece of silverware. The rest of us can only aspire to such greatness!

    Yum Yucky October 13, 2011 at 3:19 pm

    Do you have any idea how much cake I could fit on that spatula? This is like a dream come true. Tell me where do I get these utensils? Fess up.

    Laura September 2, 2011 at 10:01 pm

    oh first, you look amazing and did look amazing at the conference as well!

    second, I loved that giant spatula!!! Krista’s photo is hilarious and made me laugh out loud!

    Nicci September 3, 2011 at 11:14 pm

    Thanks Laura, her picture is pretty cool too.

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