The food pyramid has been around since 1992, and this month the USDA came out with a new icon. I personally think this new icon is very simple and clear; showing an example of portion control and how much of each nutrient we should be consuming.
This is the new food plate released for June 2011 by the USDA.

More information is available at the Choose My Plate website! The website has lots of information on food groups, preparing healthy meals, tips and interactive tools.
Did the food pyramid confuse you? What do you think of the new icon?
Warning: Don’t try this method

Just a cute funny…
Do I run to eat more? Uhmmm, No I do not. ANNOYED!!
A co-worker actually asked me this earlier during the week. Yes, I do love food…I’m a foodie, but I do not run/workout so that I can stuff my face. I work out to relieve stress, gain energy and I love how I my body feels after a good sweat session.
I’ve mentioned before that I’m involved in POTM (Pile on the Miles) to help me with weight control, during this Holiday Season but the #1 reason is help with my 5k training! Winter weather can make Nicci, a very lazy or productive girl. I love how the blogging community is coming together and fitness challenges are popping up everywhere.
I have many parties, weddings and pot lucks to attend, these last 2 months of the year. Here is a list of simple things I’m doing to survive.
Holiday Eating Extravaganza Survival Tips
- Eating a light snack before heading to a party
- Choose healthy options- fruits and veggie trays
- Portion control
- More exercise than indulging
- Eating only one roll….Uhmmmm
- Limiting my alcoholic beverage consumption to two drinks
(I just started laughing at myself for the last two above) 
Just remember to have a good time and don’t over stuff the belly. This Season only comes once a year!!
What tips might you suggest?
What challenges are you involved in?
Anyone not worried about this Holiday Season?