The food pyramid has been around since 1992, and this month the USDA came out with a new icon. I personally think this new icon is very simple and clear; showing an example of portion control and how much of each nutrient we should be consuming.
This is the new food plate released for June 2011 by the USDA.

More information is available at the Choose My Plate website! The website has lots of information on food groups, preparing healthy meals, tips and interactive tools.
Did the food pyramid confuse you? What do you think of the new icon?
Good Morning,
This weeks Goals:
- Shake It Up in Zumba class… I’ve been absent the past couple weeks
- Drink more water
- Remember to take multivitamin
- Get in 3 runs this week
- Try a new recipe in the kitchen
What are your weekly goals?
In blog world news….
Have you notice the HLB Badge on the right sidebar of my page?
It’s a website built to find local bloggers in your area and people around the world who share your same passion for a healthy lifestyle!!
Healty Living Blogs was created by Lindsey of Sound Eats Any blog that focuses on health can become a part of this great community!
Anyone who has a healthy living blog can be a member of Healthy Living Blogs. What’s a healthy living blog? Any blog that has any discussion about any aspect relating to health and wellness. The beauty of the healthy living blog community is that it is diverse and there’s something for everyone.
To become a member:
To be included in the blog listings, simply send an email with the following information to
- Email subject line: MEMBERS
- Your name (please let me know if you prefer to go by first name, first and last, or however you prefer to be known on the Internet)
- Your blog name and URL
- Your twitter username, if you have it
- Your location (if you prefer not to disclose this information for privacy’s sake, that is completely understandable. We’ll simply include your blog listing in the a-z listing, not by location, too)
- Any specific labels (i.e. vegan, gluten-free, weight loss, running, etc.)
So whether you have a fitness blog, weight loss blog, “here’s-what-I-ate” blog, vegan blog, yoga blog, or any kind of health blog, you are welcome here.
I just have to say, she is stunning and I hope to look this good in 20+ years.
First Lady Michelle Obama commits to waking up at 4:30 AM to workout. Her number 1 rule:
”Give yourself permission to be happy”

Michelle Obama also talks about health in the new issue of Prevention magazine.”
Enjoy Everything in Moderation
”I try to have no absolute nos. I love french fries, I like a good burger, and I like pie. And that’s okay. I would be depressed if I felt I could never eat the things that I love. I also don’t want my girls to be obsessed about food. We don’t have a “no junk food” rule—I just want them to think about their choices. When my older daughter asks, “Can I have pie?” I’ll say, “Did you have it yesterday? Well, what do you think?” And she’ll come to the conclusion that, you know, you’re right, I shouldn’t eat pie every night.”
I hope every one’s having a great weekend. I’m off to finish watching the Longhorns game with my sweetie & find some Pumpkin pie
Who/What is your inspiration for living healthy, whether they’re celebs or someone in your life??