Good Morning,
I felt like sharing more about myself with my lovely readers this morning.
- My first name is ”Nicole” but you can call me ”Nicci”.
- I Love Dollar Stores, ”Dollar Diva” is another nickname I’m been crowned with.
- Sight of bare feet makes me cringe.
- I Love staying up and watching British comedies, ”Coupling” is my favorite show.
- I was a vegetarian for 2 years, many many years ago. I’m not that old people but it seems like Forever.
- I collect anything Sailor Moon…remember that cartoon, it rocked!
- Breaking out in song, when bored is normal for me. I often don’t realize it, till I get strange looks.
- I count things till I have an odd number, I like odds
- The sound of Styrofoam makes me cringe.
What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
I started my lovely Thursday with a surprise. Chris forgot to mention I had mail.
I ripped open a package to find this below.
Kristina at Stoneyfield sent me coupons and a reusable bag. This came just in time for my Thursday grocery shopping. I had just finished off my last container of Oikos.
Thank you Kristina
I ate a quick messy bowl of oats & dashed out into the rain for work. It’s been raining since Saturday…”Please go away rain”.
Instant brown sugar oats
mashed in banana…it’s in there somewhere
spoonful of PB mixed in
See you guys later.
Please check out Pumpkin Butter Giveaway over at Cookin Fanatic, contest ends Sunday, September 20th.

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