
Liquid City

by Nicci on 10/05/2009

Dance, Love, Sing: this new mug put a smile on my face today

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Sipping on Emergen-C, Teas and Soups all day long.

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I think I’m getting a tiny cold from camping in the rain, but I’m fighting it HARDCORE!

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A Coworker and I went to Panera for lunch.  I tried their broccoli & cheese soup, which was amazing. I also had a piece of their Tomato Basil Panini w/ Mozarella. I will be ordering that panini next time. The life of a vegetarian is not hard or bad at all :)

In other news…

I was leaving my apartment complex, to run to the grocery store, when a car whizzed by me.  My complex is made up of 4 buildings and two exits.  I see this chick in my apt complex always speeding and I always say  ‘She is going to hit someone”; well… she did hit someone tonight.  She hit an older women riding her bike right in front of the exit. I passed by them and wanted to help but so many ppl were already out there helping.  It happened in a split second people, b/c I was driving around the corner in opposite way & came out the other exit and saw the lady on the ground. I pray that both ladies are okay.

  • Please slow down when your driving
  • Please wear helmets when riding your bikes, no matter what: She had no helmet on.

There are so many kids and ppl constantly walking to this gas station up the road daily. Though we are a small complex I think it’s time for a sign when exiting.

Currently watching Gossip Girl on DVR and sipping on more tea before bed.

Good Night :)


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Slow cookin

by Nicci on 08/28/2009


It’s T.G.I.F…Do you’ll remember watching Boy Meets World, Mr. Cooper, Family Matters? I loved watching those shows every Friday.

I was very happy to come home last night and just warm up a plate of food.  I had slow cooked some lightly seasoned chicken breasts and carrots.  It was a great no frill dinner with green beans and black beans! Crock Pots are my new bffs when it comes to cooking!

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Season your chicken breasts with a little S&P and  poultry seasoning.  Then add once cup of water and cut up veggies of your choice.  Turn the crock pot on low put your meat then veggies in; cook overnight for 8 hours and wake up to a yummy smell of dinner.

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Carrots came out great considering I prefer uncooked ones.

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Love those black beans & the melted cheese.

I had been eye balling these boxed brownies Chris had picked up at the grocers, so I baked them after dinner for us.  I’m not a fan of boxed brownies but I knew he was waiting for me to bake them plus they did look good.

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I had to indulge so this would be it for the week!  I added Oikos Greek, raspberries and naners!  Now, this was a great treat along w/staying up to watch ”Legend of The Seeker”!

What are are your plans for the weekend?

I’m going out with friends tonight that I haven’t seen in awhile!

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