
Always Sunny with Bloggers in Philly

by Nicci on 06/07/2011

I’m very excited for the Third Annual Healthy Living Summit being held in Philadelphia this year!

My first trip to Philadelphia, any suggestions on great places to visit?

For those of you wondering, this Summit is for bloggers and non-bloggers who are living/seeking a balanced lifestyle.

I rushed home, from my Monday workout, to purchase a ticket!


Last year the Summit was held in Chicago….what a blast and learning experience.


I enjoyed making connections with bloggers all over the globe!


It’s about community and encouraging each other to live a healthy lifestyle.

IMG_0405 htp

Meeting people who are passionate about the same interests.


If you are attending the Summit….Let’s Connect!

Take a PEAK at last years Healthy Living Summit…



As I pack up the apartment, more and more magazines pop out!

Kitchen, living room, guest room, bedroom, shelves, drawers… they are everywhere.

Why do I love health magazines?

fitness tips, healthy recipes, success stories and the latest fitness equipment.

(As I write this post, Chris comes from the bedroom with a stack of running magazines).

I’ve been searching for this lost stack for awhile now!

ps. My love for magazines does not come at a high price. I found this website, where every week they have magazine deals. All my subscriptions cost under $2.00 a year!!

What’s your favorite health magazine? What’s your favorite section that you love to read?

I have a hard time throwing them away too, maybe I’ll host a book & magazine swap party, after settling into the new place!


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Strawberry Love

by Nicci on 02/03/2010

Best way to start a Hump Day is with some strawberry bread.

Homemade Gourmet’s Strawberry Bread

  1. Bread Mix
  2. 2 eggs
  3. 3/4 cup oil
  4. 10 oz bag frozen sliced strawberries

(pic courtesy of

I’m glad my Mother gave me this break mix to try out!

A reader asked me if 28 Days of Exercise was healthy? I wouldn’t recommend for everyone to try this, especially if your new to fitness. You should always consult a doctor before beginning an exercise program.  You have to know what your body can handle.

My 28 Day Fitness Plan:

  • Morning Yoga~  Mon, Wed, Fri
  • Cardio~  Mon, Wed, Fri (After work)
  • Running~  Tues, Thurs,
  • Yoga~  Sat, Sun

My cardio workouts are about 30-45 minutes long. I’m currently doing 30 day Shred, Firm Sculpt and  Tae-bo. Alternating between these workouts, in order to not get bored.

I completely forgot I opened a formspring account weeks ago and I see many bloggers are using it now! So, if you have any questions for me…ask away!

You can find me at


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Sea Salmon Saturdays said the Sea Man by the Sea shore!

Now try saying that 10 times really super fast! I’m just in a dorky mood tonight, sorry guys.  For some reason after doing laundry with Chris I got a sudden burst of energy, out of nowhere.  I went crazy in the produce dept. at our local grocery store and was about to have a ‘‘foodgasm” in the dairy.  Finally Oikos is on the shelf again at the grocer I like, b/c it’s usually cheaper there!  So, tonight I give you the delicious Salmon burger I made for the boyfriend and myself with corn on the side.

nicoles pics 571Smile for me baby!

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Now here’s my Oikos I’m proud to have back in the frig!

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The Green Tea I was surprised tasted so goodnicoles pics 573

I’m logging off now to watch HgTv (slight obsessed with) and read the two new mags I picked up tonight.  Alicia Silverstone on the cover; I love that Vegan Girl too. Looking forward to read up on her and check out new exercises in Fitness Mag.

nicoles pics 576Good Night :D

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