May 2011

Active Memorial Day Weekend

by Nicci on 05/31/2011

Guess whose in Texas for the whoooole week?  THENHEATHERSAID!

Heather (far right), Lauren (middle) and I got together for the Stonebridge Memorial Day Races (5k)!


Wednesday night,  there will be a nice size blogger dinner with some more awesome ladies!

Body Confidence: I bought a two piece bathing suit this weekend to go swimming with friends (Sunday & Monday), to beat the Texas heat.  For the first time, in years I had little frustration finding a suit and kept all negative thoughts, out of my head….that’s one Summer goal complete!

Other Happenings: The past month has been crazy for me. I was offered a new position at work. Go ME!  I am now a Case Specialist and I have one job, not twoHALLELUJAH.  Now, I’m about to train a coworker for my old positions and continue training for the new one, and were on a short time schedule….crazy.

I’m also excited to see what the month of June will bring!

How do you stay active over a holiday?


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Fitness Confessions

by Nicci on 05/17/2011

  • Sometimes I do not want to workout
  • Sometimes I make ‘’lame’’ excuses
  • Sometimes I’d rather watch TV
  • Sometimes I hate the slow weight loss progress
  • Sometimes I cheat at my workouts: not completing sets or pausing my dvd player for many, many minutes.
  • Sometimes I’m just HUMAN

Then I remember I have my workout buddies that make exercise fun, during the those ‘’lazy, I do not want to do anything today’’ times. Plus, motivating tweets from healthy living blends.

As I’ve said in the past, my coworkers are awesome! 


It pays to have someone around 40 hours a week, helping keep you accountable.  We eat 2 out of 3 meals together and workout 5x/week.  I also can not forget my awesome trainer.

Today I went back to a ‘’live’’ Zumba class with the girls!  I was gifted Zumba Kinect for Christmas, and although I love the game….it still can not compare to the energy of a live class.


Check out this new video featuring Zumba instructors from a past conference.



Confession: I’ve watched this video 10x tonight while doing the dance! Winking smile

Do you have someone inspiring and motivating your fitness journey? Any fitness confessions?


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Fish Sticks The Clean Eating Way

by Nicci on 05/16/2011

Do you ever eat fish sticks as a kid?  I remember eating them a couple times, but only at a restaurant.

Well tonight, Chris and I ate a cleaner, healthier recipe. I had tilapia filets sitting in the freezer and I wasn’t feeling grilled or broiled tilapia tonight…kind of boring.


Fish Sticks


  • 3 Tilapia filets (serves 2)
  • 3 slices of whole wheat bread
  • 1 egg
  • seasoning of choice

Directions: Use a food processor to make your slices of bread into crumbs. Mix egg and bread crumbs, in a bowl. Chop tilapia until it is fine, then dip in bread mixture. Shape fish sticks into rectangular shape, add sticks to lightly oiled skillet. Brown  on each side for 4 minutes until golden brown.

Fitness: Monday’s Fit Camp was brutal but I did burn 700 calories.

Complete each set 2-3 times

  • Jump rope x 30, squat press x 8
  • Tire pull, froggers x 8
  • Push ups X 10, hose X 20
  • Burpees x 8,  shoulder press 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 front, side, back
  • Arc Trainer, 40 resistance for 60 sec. staying above 130 in between each workout set.

Great workout and dinner to end Monday!

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