
Booty Camp

by Nicci on 02/28/2011

Trying to balance work, part time school and maintaining some kind of sanity is hard. I’ve fallen off the wagon of blogging, working out and trying new meals… lack of sharing with my readers.

I lost my mojo!!!

Last week, a coworker mentioned her trainer is starting up his fitness boot camp, which will take place 3 x a week for an hour for the month.

Heck Yea! I need to some motivation. My fitness vids aren’t looking too appealing and they’ve started to collect dust.

I’m scared my booty is going to be sore after today’s workout….why I’m calling it “booty camp”!

Hopefully this will give me a good kick in the bum!

I’ll share how it all went down later this week.

How do you stay motivated to work out?


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Who Wants A Cheap Workout, I Do

by Nicci on 08/08/2010

I’ve got an addiction to fitness DVDs, they are sitting everywhere around the apartment.  Whenever I visit a store that carries DVDs, the fitness section is the first place I go. 

 So, today I spent a whopping pricey$2.00.

Exercise TV: 30 Minute Workouts  from the Dollar Tree.



I love 30 minute workouts, they are perfect for morning time during the work week.   So far, I’ve worked out to the one pictured on the left, ”Cardio Burn” and I felt the burn.  Tomorrow morning, I will check out the body toning before heading to work.

Tonight’s Agenda:

  • Attempting to fold all the clean clothes
  • Write down everything I plan to pack for Chicago
  • Pack tomorrow’s lunch
  • Get in bed early…we shall see


What’s the latest bargain you’ve found? 

Where’s your secret spot to shop for fitness related items?

  ( I love T.J Maxx, Ross and Burlingtons, and T.J’s has the best Yoga pants!!)


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Strawberry Love

by Nicci on 02/03/2010

Best way to start a Hump Day is with some strawberry bread.

Homemade Gourmet’s Strawberry Bread

  1. Bread Mix
  2. 2 eggs
  3. 3/4 cup oil
  4. 10 oz bag frozen sliced strawberries

(pic courtesy of homemadegourmet.com)

I’m glad my Mother gave me this break mix to try out!

A reader asked me if 28 Days of Exercise was healthy? I wouldn’t recommend for everyone to try this, especially if your new to fitness. You should always consult a doctor before beginning an exercise program.  You have to know what your body can handle.

My 28 Day Fitness Plan:

  • Morning Yoga~  Mon, Wed, Fri
  • Cardio~  Mon, Wed, Fri (After work)
  • Running~  Tues, Thurs,
  • Yoga~  Sat, Sun

My cardio workouts are about 30-45 minutes long. I’m currently doing 30 day Shred, Firm Sculpt and  Tae-bo. Alternating between these workouts, in order to not get bored.

I completely forgot I opened a formspring account weeks ago and I see many bloggers are using it now! So, if you have any questions for me…ask away!

You can find me at http://www.formspring.me/NiccisNiftyEats


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Boot Camp for Breast Cancer

by Nicci on 10/24/2009

I can’t believe I haven’t posted since Wednesday, almost broke down at work due to overload  and stress.  Trust me, you do not want to see my Google Reader…it’s close to 400. Weekend is here and I feel GREAT!

Earlier this morning my friend Kirstyn and her sister Amber and I went to a Fitness Boot Camp in Dallas to support Breast Cancer.  I love finding events through Twitter. We brought our mats, weights and water bottles. I was pumped and ready to go this morning.

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Transformation Boot Camp:  proceeds went to Susan G. Komen

Kirstyn, Amber and I before the torture began. j/k

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Mike was the leader  and we were split into 3 groups, in order to do the 3 courses.

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Pink Love

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Many people came out to the boot camp.

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  1. Killer AB work (during so called break time) lol
  2. Three obstacle courses
  3. Lots of water chugged

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This was me after we finished, I was tired but I did have fun.

I grabbed a banana before we left.

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Followed by a Power Bar I ate in the car.

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Yay! for more Smart water too :)

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I enjoyed Boot Camp and maybe we’ll do it every 3 months or next year. It definitely gave me a good workout today considering I’d been lacking this week.

Plus, I got a free  Marie Antoinette t-shirt!  I don’t think the movie has anything to do with Camp except that they were pink and black.

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I’ll probably start feeling sore in a few hours but I have a Halloween B-day Party tonight &  Block Party to attend.  Can’t wait to wear my costume!

Have a great Saturday :)

Have you ever been to a boot camp, what was your experience like??


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